🐍 Run Python from Mac's Spotlight Search

Book notes April 3rd, 2023 2 minute read.

I have a small Python app that I frequently run randomly throughout the day. I thought it would be nice to be able to quickly run the app from Spotlight search instead of Visual Code. After a little Googling, I found a few different Stack Overflow answers to solve this problem (mainly this one).

So, we're going to create a app.command file that will:

  1. Show up and run from a Mac's Spotlight search
  2. Run when double clicked

Step 1: Create the app.command file

I'm creating the launcher .command file on my Desktop, but you can put it anywhere.

cd ~/Desktop
touch app.command
chmod u+x ~/Desktop/app.command

Step 2: Edit the app.command file

Add these 7 lines to the app.command file to run the Python app.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cd /path/to/app/file
# activate virtual environment if needed
while true; do

Note: This script will loop running the Python app forever. To exit, just use ctrl+C.